SBI PO 2023 Exam Pattern

The SBI PO selection process consists of 3 stages. The written examinations are conducted online, followed by an interview round. The structure of exams is as follows:

Phase-1: SBI PO Preliminary Examination

This is an online examination where the candidates must solve the question paper in one 1 hour for 100 marks. The test consists of 3 sections. Candidates must know that the sectional cut-off in the Preliminary Exam has been removed and the overall score of all the sections will be considered for selection to the next round.. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each section is decided by the Bank each year depending on the difficult of the test. The section-wise division of the marks is given below:

Phase - II : SBI PO Mains Syllabus

The Mains Examination of SBI PO exam 2023 will constitute 4 sections: Reasoning + Computer Aptitude, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation and General/Economy/Banking Awareness. The complete SBI PO Mains syllabus is discussed below:

SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern